Deepening our knowledge on early intervention approaches for youth with bipolar disorder
As a one-stop shop for community and social programming, Integrated Youth Service Hubs could be ideal settings for identifying and supporting youth with severe mental illnesses like bipolar disorder.
Improving bipolar disorder case finding in primary care
Understanding whether behavioural science can help family doctors and psychiatrists reduce the time lag between bipolar disorder symptom onset and diagnosis – and the negative impacts of this disease on people’s quality of life.
Advancing research and care with and for people with bipolar disorder
Co-creating a common agenda for bipolar disorder research and care in Canada, and developing a digital self-management tool.
Empowering Canadians to self-manage their mental health
Training organizations across Canada to deliver self-management workshops for bipolar disorder.
Exploring the therapeutic benefits of psychoeducation via social media
Exploring how moms and moms-to-be interact with psychoeducational social media and digital content, and whether these could have positive mental health benefits.
Texting to promote expecting and new moms’ health and wellbeing
Developing a strategy for scaling an automated one-way text messaging service across Canada to reach more moms with high-quality pregnancy and parenting information.
Enabling primary perinatal care providers to address mental health
Building capacity in perinatal care providers to support their patients’ mental health via a “phone-a-psychiatrist” service.
Enhancing perinatal mental health capacity in family support centres across Canada
Understanding the needs of family support centre staff in supporting perinatal women and birthing people.
Accelerating research on highly scalable supports for postpartum depression
Testing task shifting to treat postpartum depression, with the aim of developing low-cost, low-intensity, highly scalable interventions that could be delivered by nurses or peer supporters.
Two Barrie moms on a mission to advance perinatal mental health
Advocating for and raising awareness about the need for increased access and more timely perinatal mental health services.
It still takes a village to raise a child – thankfully, that village is growing
Through everyday supports like coffee meet-ups, stroller walks, and workshops, Life With A Baby provides a gateway to peer-led mental health supports for pregnant and new parents who need it.
Piloting a virtual perinatal mental health platform
Developing a virtual screening, referral, and care platform for perinatal women to be able to access the right intensity of care based on their level of need.
Uniting Newfoundland and Labrador to advance perinatal mental health
Formalizing a coordinated approach among perinatal mental health stakeholders in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Improving perinatal mental health from the top down and bottom up
Painting a clearer picture on the state of perinatal mental health by improving data surveillance, and developing care guidelines for women’s healthcare providers.
Bringing together community, culture, and care to advance Black maternal health
Improving Black and racialized maternal health and birth outcomes in Canada through a holistic virtual perinatal healthcare centre.